Since my message yesterday regarding the reopening of school, I’ve received numerous emails from parents wanting more information. I understand your concerns and anxiety, but unfortunately, we do not have a definitive plan as we need more information, including the results of the student commitment questionnaire. The number of students remaining virtual or returning to campus will drive our final plans. In the interest of continuing to be transparent, below are responses to the questions I have received the most.
Q. What option does Pershing want us to choose?
A. The decision of whether your student remains virtual or comes to Pershing for face-to-face is strictly your own. While we’d love to see all our students, we recognize that this is a very personal decision and one that must be made based on your level of comfort. No matter what choice you make, we will continue to provide the same level of instruction we always have. Here are some factors to consider when making the decision to remain virtual or return to campus for face to face:
- There are underlying health factors that would put my student, or a family member at risk if they returned face to face.
- I feel comfortable with the district’s reopening protocols for reducing the risk of spreading COVID-19.
- My student knows how to properly wear a mask and can wear a mask for an extended period.
- I have access to reliable internet and a device, such as a computer or a tablet, which my student can use for virtual learning.
- I can supervise or identify someone who can supervise my student during periods of virtual/at-home learning.
- My student’s learning style and needs are compatible with digital modes of learning.
- My student will be able to keep up academically through virtual/at-home learning.
*modified from the Back to School Decision Making Tool published by the CDC
Q. Is there a difference in the instruction my child will receive if we choose to stay virtual?
A. We will continue to use the same model we are using now for virtual instruction. Students who remain virtual will continue to engage in guided instruction and collaborative work via Teams with their classmates and teacher and then will work independently.
Q. Why did you say that my student’s teachers may change?
A. Currently the plan is to have a group of teachers designated to teach virtual classes while another group teaches face-to-face. In order to make this work, students who remain virtual may not have their current teacher as that teacher may be designated to teach face-to-face. The same is true for those that return face-to-face. Some students who return face-to-face will also have teacher changes as their current teacher may be designated for virtual instruction. We recognize that there are some specialty classes that have only one teacher. We are discussing options for those classes so that there is minimal impact on the students. Please do not make your decision to remain virtual or go face-to-face based solely on teachers.
Q. If I choose to remain virtual or return face-to-face and then change my mind later, will my student’s schedule change again?
A. Yes, your student’s schedule and teachers will most likely change. Please remember that there will be designated virtual teachers and designated face-to-face teachers. We are still discussing this as a district, so this could change.
Q. There is a rumor circulating on Pershing social media sites that if students return face-to-face, they will be sitting in the classroom with their device and participating in class virtually just like the students who remain virtual. Is this true?
A. No, this is not true. Students who return face-to-face will be instructed just like they have been in the past. Of course, it will look a little different due to social distancing. Students are welcome to bring their device to use if needed for an assignment, but it is not required.
Q. Is there a cap to the number of students in a virtual class?
A. We do not have class size restrictions in secondary; however, we will be monitoring class sizes so that we can provide the best educational experience for your student. This goes for both virtual and face-to-face.
Q. Will my student still be able to participate in fine arts?
A. Yes! We fully intend on having students participate in their fine arts classes. With social distancing requirements and not being able to share equipment, we may have to make some adjustments. We are discussing this with the Fine Arts department at the district level.
Q. Will temperatures be taken at entry?
A. Yes. Students will have their temperature taken. Faculty and staff will self-report through an App provided by the District.
Q. Will students with symptoms be expected to stay home until symptom-free?
A. Yes. Students who are sick or displaying symptoms will be required to stay home and work virtually. We will have a system in place so that their current face-to-face teacher is able to provide support and assignments while they are at home. Students who display symptoms will be encouraged to get a COVID test.
Q. What is the protocol for notification of exposure?
A. If a student or teacher is exposed to a student or teacher who tests positive, they are considered presumptive positive and will be required to self-quarantine for 14-days. The school will be closed for deep cleaning which can take 3-4 days and instruction will be delivered virtually.
Q. How are you ensuring students maintain physical distance?
A. Instructional areas have been reset to space out students to meet the 6-feet distance requirement. Extra desks and chairs have been removed and stored in our cafeteria. Tape squares are being placed on the floor to help students stay in their assigned places. This will require students to demonstrate responsibility and respect for one another.
Q. Where will lunch be eaten?
A. Students will eat lunch in their enrichment teacher’s classroom. We will have lunch monitors in each room supervising while the enrichment teacher takes their lunch.
Q. Will there be more fresh air circulated through the building throughout the day?
A. Yes, the HVAC system has been programmed to pull more fresh air in.
Q. Will there be a chance for me to change my decision if the choice I make does not work well for our student?
A. Yes. The decision you are making is for the 2nd six weeks. You will have the opportunity to change your decision if you feel the need to.
I know you have many more questions and I wish I could answer all of them, but we are still discussing what all of this will look like at Pershing. As we gather more data, we will be able to make a more informed decision. The best thing I can tell you is to do what is right for you and your family.
Thank you,
Steven Shetzer, Principal
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